Award winning author
Karen Turner

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Let’s write a book: the 6 step Guide to getting started
With author Karen Turner
Prerequisite: A desire to write a book
Consisting of 6 learning modules, this workshop introduces you to basic writing techniques and concepts, in a fun, interactive online environment.
With six months' access to this program, you can learn in your own home, at your own pace, 24 hours a day. All you need to get started is an internet connection and the desire to learn.
Delivered in Karen's relaxed and informative style, you'll benefit from knowledge gathered over the course of her 25 year writing career along with tips and hints picked up on the way.
Additionally, you'll have optional check-your-knowledge quizzes and carefully curated writing exercises so you can practise your new skills and knowledge.
This program is designed to motivate and inspire you to not only get the creative juices flowing, but to confidently lay down the foundations of your own novel.
Modules will cover the following:
1: Plotting and Structure
Let’s lay the foundations for our story.
Topics discussed include:
Conflict, crisis, resolution
2: Point of View and Tone
Let’s talk about who’s talking.
Topics discussed include:
Who is speaking?
To whom are they speaking?
How are they speaking?
3: Research
Let’s look at finding out stuff.
Topics discussed include:
Why/if accuracy is important
Where to research
Where not to research
How to research
How much to research
4: Character Development
Let’s meet our characters.
Topics discussed include:
Who are they?
What do they contribute to the story?
Making them believable
5: Voice and Show, Don't Tell
Let’s show the reader.
Topics discussed include:
Active voice vs passive voice
Why active over passive – or vice-versa
What is show, don’t tell?
Why is it important?
6: Pulling it all together
Let’s start writing.
Topics include:
Setting up your writing life
Starting your first draft
What to expect
What you haven’t considered
First draft finished, what next?